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Life on the Road

3 min read

Truck Essentials from Experienced CDL-A Drivers

Jul 19, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Loading up for a trip out on the road can feel like an overwhelming task, especially if it’s one of your first. With over 50 years in the truck driving industry, we’ve learned that other CDL-A drivers are the best resource, so we asked some of our experienced driving associates for their top recommendations on must-have items.

Toiletries/medical supplies

  • Medicines: Making sure that you have all your medications is crucial to a safe and comfortable trip. Consider storing them in one bag so you’re less likely to leave something behind.
  • Shower bag & shoes: Having a bag of your shower supplies to carry back and forth from your truck to the showers is a lifesaver. Don’t forget to stow away a pair of flip-flops or other waterproof shoes.
  • Wet wipes: These come in handy during the stickiest of situations. Keeping a box tucked away in your cab can save you from a small mess turning into a huge headache.


  • Breakdown Services: These services are available 24/7 to assist you with any issues you may encounter on the road, small or large. Additionally, having a rechargeable flashlight and pair of gloves on hand can help you out in a pinch. You should also ensure that your safety triangles are present/usable and your tractor’s fire extinguisher is charged.
  • WD-40: Keeping a can of penetrating oil or lubricant like WD-40 with you is something you won’t regret.
  • Washer fluid, window cleaner, and paper towels: These items may not immediately come to mind when you think about packing, but they’re all universally recommended by professional drivers.

Remember: The truck driving community is tight-knit and always ready to lend a hand. Don’t panic if you end up needing something you don’t have; another driver is sure to have it!


  • Snacks: Eating nutritious food while on the road can be difficult, especially with how accessible junk food is at truck stops, rest areas and other locations. Taking along some of your favorite healthy snacks can help reduce the temptation to make poor eating choices.
  • Meal prep: Packing meals from home and keeping them in your cab helps you avoid unhealthy meals while also bringing the comfort of home to the road.
  • Small fridge/freezer: These are essential to storing snacks or other meal prep. You can also buy your favorite coffee in bulk (something professional drivers recommend) and keep it chilled.
  • Air fryer: This is a lifesaver when it comes to heating up meals quickly and with no fuss!

Remember: Grocery and convenience stores are always accessible while on the road, so don’t panic if you realize you don’t have something you need.


  • Books/TV/laptop/gaming system: You’re sure to have some downtime while you’re on the road. Having your favorite form of entertainment with you will help you decompress and relax at the end of the day.
  • Portable Wi-Fi: There’s almost nothing more frustrating than spotty Wi-Fi. Consider bringing your own router or mobile hotspot on the road to avoid unreliable coverage and get the best connectivity possible.

Now that you’ve got your truck packed with the essentials, it’s time to get set up with a long-term, rewarding career. Connect with us today to learn more about our driving opportunities.

Do you have your own favorite essential that you bring with you on the road? Let us know in the comments below!

To read more from Averitt, visit https://blog.averittcareers.com/.

Topics: tips equipment

Written by Averitt

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