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Benefits that go on for miles

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100+ safe, secure facilities in 21 states. Your home away from home.

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Who is Averitt?

A 50+year company of professional, caring associates

Our Story

A career opportunity over 50 years in the making. Through it all, Averitt has been growing and thriving.

Our 50+ Year Story


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Our Culture

Over 20 Team

Nearly 17% of our teammates have found a home at Averitt for 20 years or longer. 

Over 20 Team

Averitt Giving

We believe in generously giving back to the communities we serve.

Averitt Giving


Setting the professional standard in the transportation industry. Red looks good on us!

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Averitt Salutes You

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Averitt has been named as a Military Friendly Employer in an independent survey.
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Life on the Road

6 min read

Averitt's Response to COVID-19

Apr 1, 2020 3:26:00 PM

One of Averitt's highest priorities is to protect the health and safety of our associates, customers and the general public. Rest assured, we are approaching and adapting to the ongoing situation with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic through continuous monitoring and safe practices at all levels of our company.

What Are The Symptoms Of COVID-19?

 Symptoms of COVID-19 include: 

  • Fever (99.1 or greater)
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chills
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Sore throat 

Preventing The Spread Of Viruses (Including COVID-19)

Understandably, there has been some uncertainty and concern regarding the spread of COVID-19 (also known as Coronavirus). The good news is that there are steps that can be taken to prevent the spread of viruses including COVID-19.

  • Use a pen, stylus, or other to push buttons on copiers/printers when possible. If you use your hands, wipe controls with sanitizing wipes and wash your hands afterward. Don’t stand close to other associates while waiting to use the equipment.
  • Do not gather or sit in groups in the break room. Eat meals and take breaks at your desk, in your personal vehicle, etc.
  • Conduct meetings over the phone. Do not gather in cubicles or conference rooms.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or, if not available, into the inside of your elbow. Throw away used tissues immediately.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Don't form a line in the restrooms. Come back later.
  • Clean computer keyboards, phones (including cell phones) and other high-touch surfaces frequently.
  • Sneeze or cough into tissue and throw it away immediately. If there is no tissue available, use your elbow or sleeve.
  • Say something to others if they are not following good health hygiene practices. It is everyone's responsibility.

In addition to good health hygiene, it is a good idea to avoid crowds, places or gatherings where you are likely to be exposed to others in close proximity (within 6 feet or so of others). Click here to learn more about social distancing.

Click here to learn more.

We operate in an industry that must continue to move forward, providing an essential service to the country. From drivers to mechanics, dockhands to support staff, you’re showing the world just how invaluable you are at a time when you’re needed most.

For that, we share our heartfelt thanks.

Additional Announcements:

Please follow the links below for the most up to date recommendations and tips regarding cloth face coverings.

Adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic is a team effort, and all of us are working through this unprecedented time together. Averitt has a pandemic plan in place that includes contingency plans for possible work disruption issues. This plan is updated almost daily and is being shared with all levels of leadership.

Preventative Steps Averitt is Taking as a Company

  • Our attendance policy has been adjusted to not allow associates who have viral symptoms at work
  • When possible, office-based associates are able to telecommute
  • Associates are actively utilizing "social distancing" practices in facilities and encouraged to practice the same techniques in their personal lives
  • Good health hygiene, as promoted by the CDC, is being stressed daily by leadership
  • Facilities are being cleaned and sanitized on a frequent basis
  • Company gatherings and meetings have been suspended until further notice
  • Sanitizers and wipes are being provided for office personnel and in-cab for drivers
  • Screening associates who have traveled oversees to determine quarantine needs according to CDC guidance 
  • Screening outside vendors for possible contact with infected persons
  • Adhering to guidance stemming from national emergency declaration
  • Reviewing and implementing CDC and WHO guidance daily

Averitt is Continuously Monitoring and Adapting

Averitt continues to monitor this situation and hopes to have more definitive information as the situation develops. For additional information, the CDC has set up a website (Coronavirus Disease 2019, available at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html) to provide information as it becomes available.

We value our Customers, our Associates, and our Future. We are communicating precautions and awareness to our internal associates and will continue to communicate with you as the situation develops.

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Want to speak one-on-one? Our recruiting team is available to talk at 888-AVERITT (888-283-7488), or via live chat on weekdays (excluding holidays). Reach out with any questions! 

Averitt Careers
Written by Averitt Careers

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